Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Let the GAINZ Begin!

 Hello Everybody!

Welcome back to cafeGAINZ at cafegainz.com!  We're excited to resume our duties as proponents of the way of the GAINZ and scriveners of the scripture.  If you're new to this site, be prepared to have your mind blown.  We're going to delve deep into the realm of GAINZ to discover its secrets and to hopefully be able to pass some of that knowledge on to you.  We will provide our perspective on fitness training techniques, nutrition, and gym etiquette.  And of course, we will continue to render astute analysis on the weightroom dynamic. 

Now, our longtime readers are probably asking themselves, "Where the heck did these guys go?"  Fair question.  Unfortunately, there is no one simple answer.  Many factors led to the hiatus.  Perhaps part of the answer lies in a post that I was forced to take down a while ago (but have re-posted here)...such a stark contrast from this masterpiece.

In any event, we're focused on the here and now (although I must say its ironic that we are back exactly one year from our last real post on November 3, 2008).  As always, your noble professors include Johnny GAINZ and myself, Mr. Wesay GAINZ.  We've also been joined by Ian GAINZ and Nellie GAINZ.  Ian is an expert at healthy, GAINZful recipes and Nellie will offer a female's viewpoint on GAINZ. 

The current plan is to post a couple times per week to start off, and then to increase the posting frequency after a month or two.  Please feel free to create a Google or Blogger profile and leave comments on the posts.  (Commenting anonymously is less GAINZ.)  We love comments and your feedback will contribute to everybody's GAINZ!  One request though: please keep the comments on the topic of the post, or at least within the broad scope of cafeGAINZ.  This is an example of a great comment.  This is an example of a terrible comment that we will have to expunge.  As part of our desire to make this cafe more interactive, we've added two new reader-friendly components:

1. Every week we will feature one reader-suggested fitness tip. We will either display the tip as suggested to us, display it with a thoughtful critique, or supplement the tip with more GAINZ depending on our analysis of the tip's GAINZ. Don't be afraid to enter a tip suggestion; it will only add to everybody's enlightenment to the way of the GAINZ and you will remain anonymous.  The deadline to submit a tip for the week is Sunday at midnight. Please submit tips to cafegainz@gmail.com.

2. We will also feature one story per week from a reader describing a bench monkey encounter. Blurry, paparazzi-style photos are encouraged with your submission, but don't get caught...the bench monkey may be in the middle of a 'roid cycle (or your gym management may scold you). Deadline to submit bench monkey stories to cafegainz@gmail.com is also Sunday at midnight.

We look forward to receiving your input.  On that note, TRAIN HARD and Let the GAINZ Begin!

Your brother in GAINZ,

-Wesay GAINZ

p.s. It is quite possible (and probable) that the re-launch of this site will come with its share of bugs.  Please be patient as we work through them as fast as possible.


  1. welcome back!

    i was under the impression that the apex of gainz had been reached in 2008 and that gainz had met a level of saturation whereby incremental gainz were not possible. but now i understand that the tentacles of the great recession touched even the fitness/lifestyle blogging industry and that there were simply not enough funds to keep wesay and j gainz 'gainzfully employed' or down with the cause, as it were.

    either way i am excited to have the daily scripture back in my life, as my body has slipped into a state of atrophy since the discontinuation of helpful and gainzful posts. i look forward to getting back to a level of sustained gainz that will make even jay cutler proud

  2. Glad your excited, Adam. I don't want to damper your spirits but scripture will not be daily to start off, as indicated in the post. We will try to post as often as we can though. Hopefully in the future we'll be able to make this a daily affair. We're even prouder that you're ready to make Jay Cutler, the 3-time Mr. Olympia, proud! Train Hard.
