Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm Perry'lyzed: Part III

This is the third and final part of a three-part series entitled “I’m Perry’lyzed”.  Check out Parts I and II here.  Enjoy! (You can get the entire Greatest Hits album at Journey - Journey: Greatest Hits)

OK my fellow GAINZ-makers, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for all week:  The thrilling conclusion of I’m Perry’lyzed.  I hope you’re as excited as I am.  I know Perry is.  Here we go!

12.    “We sailed on together, We drifted apart, And here you are by my side” – Open Arms

Remember at the end of Part II, when I talked about how one feels if their spotter, workout partner, or brother-in-arms is supposed to meet at the gym, but then bails?  Well, this is what happens when he shows up after bailing!  Now everything’s gonna be alright and you’ll be able to set a new max reps military press feeling confident that your partner will be there to make sure the weights don’t come crashing down on your head upon delt failure.  See, I told you things wouldn’t stay sad for long!

13.    “The girl can't help it, she needs more, He hasn't found what he's lookin' for, They're still standing in the rain, He can't help it, and she's just that way” – Girl Can’t Help It.

Time to get serious for a second.  DON’T DO STEROIDS.  DO NOT JUICE (derogatory version).

 If you do, you will end up like the poor fugazi in this song.  See, he did steroids and his manhood shrunk.  It was so bad that even Extenze couldn’t help.  Hence, “she needs more.”  He always thought that having a ‘roided out body was the key to success in life.  Well, he learned the hard way when his (ex-)girlfriend dumped him for his excessive roid-raging and for losing his manhood.  Heed this warning, friends.

14.    “Send her my love, Memories remain, Send her my love, Roses never fade, Send her my love” – Send Her My Love.

Before I moved to my current location, there was a certain gym I frequented most every day.  Johnny used to go there too.  Paisley still hits it up.  Unfortunately, a lot of freaks and wack-jobs pretended to work out there (they were really just juicing).  Notwithstanding those clowns, I have TONS of great memories of the place.  It’s where I set personal records for bench max, squat max, weighted pull up reps, weighted dip reps, and tears shed.  As far as pure strength, I was never stronger than when I went to that gym.  (In retrospect, maybe I was juicing by osmosis…..seriously, there were that many juicers there.)  I’ve been fortunate to be in that gym’s good graces a few times since the move, and every workout I do there is top-notch.  Every time I go back I see a friendly face I haven’t seen in a while.  I love that place!  While I’m away, I send her (the gym) my love, memories remain…

15.    “Be good to yourself when nobody else will, Oh be good to yourself, You're walkin' a highwire, caught in a crossfire, Oh be good to yourself” – Be Good To Yourself.

We’ve made it to the last song on the Greatest Hits album!  High-energy, inspiring keyboard riff, Perry raising his game…check.  What a way to end things!  And the message is clear and concise: be good to yourself no matter the circumstances!  Treat your body right by eating healthy, exercising, and making overall life GAINZ (hey, that’s what this site is all about!).  Look, we all are busy with jobs, relationships, and other responsibilities, but nobody is going to put in the work for you (nor can they).  While the GAINZ lifestyle can be taught, it means nothing without your performance and execution.  So, as always, train hard, eat right, and make GAINZ!


“You should've been gone, Knowing how I made you feel, And I should've been gone, [deep breath for dramatic effect] After all your words of steel” – Oh Sherrie, off Perry’s solo album, “Street Talk.”

I’m sure there is a message or two here, but screw it…all you need to do is enjoy the music video.  Have a great weekend!

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