Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm sure many people already know that November and December are a great time to grab a cheap frozen turkey. It's great animal protein that's great for GAINZ in the physical and financial sense. But when you pick up your turkey, check that produce section. According to a sign I saw next to the pumpkin puree, there's some kind of pumpkin shortage, but my store still had cheap fresh pumpkins in the produce section, well under a dollar a pound.

Besides providing a delicious pie filling, pumpkins also pack lutein, beta carotene, zinc in the seeds, and enough fiber to stimulate a pleasant session on the toilet.

Of course most pumpkins are too big to eat at once, so they need to be broken down to a form that can be used for multiple preparations. First, cut the pumpkin into eight wedges, which are then placed in a cake pan or casserole dish with about an inch of water. Stick that in a 350 degree oven for thirty minutes, or until the pumpkin is thoroughly cooked.

Once you get the pumpkin wedges cooked, you can use the pumpkin in multiple dishes as you would use any precooked vegetable (I hope you already eat your vegetables). I'm sure most of my audience already eats their vegetables, but if you're hurting for an example, I like to replace my normal broccoli with some of my pumpkins in my fried brown rice.

Much like tofu, pumpkin is also an unlikely excellent smoothie main ingredient. Here's how I drink my pumpkin. It's like a blender full of wet pumpkin pie that you won't need to burn off during cardio.

1 serving of vanilla protein powder
5 large ice cubes
1/4 tsp of pumpkin pie seasoning
Sweetener to taste (I like sucralose or agave syrup)
Cold water

I just throw it all in the blender and turn it on. I don't like runny smoothies, so I add just enough water for my blender to render a homogeneous and thick liquid. Quite honestly, it looks like baby food, so no picture.

November and December are a great opportunity to pick up some GAINZ-friendly foods at a great price. Best of all, they'll help you free up some extra cash.

-Paisley GAINZ


  1. is the pumpkin smoothie recipe supposed to include pumpkin?

  2. Hey AC, just got word from P. GAINZ that there is supposed to be a cup of chopped pumpkin in the smoothie. Try it on for size and let us know how much GAINZ it is.
