Thursday, November 19, 2009

Johnny on the Spot Follow Up

Hola Disciples,

Wesay here checkin in with a follow up to the first Johnny on the Spot that ran last Wednesday regarding negative repetitions. 

I was doing a little leisure reading the other day (as all great GAINZ makers do) and came upon some scripture that has provided further enlightenment on the topic.  The following quotes are taken from the text NASM Optimum Performance Training, Second Edition, page 90:
  • "The term 'negative' was derived from the fact that in eccentric movement, work is actually being done on the muscle (because forces move the move) rather than the muscle doing the work (or the muscle moving the forces)."  
Interesting.  This is counterintuitive to what one would normally qualify as exercise since 'exercise' implies human-initiated work rather than dumbbell- (barbell, gravity?) initiated work.  In other words, instead of "putting in work," have work put in on you....and make GAINZ!
    • "In functional activities, such as daily movements and/or sports, muscles work as much eccentrically as they do concentrically or isometrically." (emphasis added) mind was just blown to smithereens.  So what they're telling me is that if one only focuses on concentric exercises (which most people do), one is neglecting a significant and perhaps vital training aspect?  Yep, that's what they're telling me.  No true GAINZ maker would knowingly neglect their GAINZ.  Even if you're just a weekend warrior or occasional work/intramural athlete, negatives will help your functional strength and therefore help prevent injuries. 

    There it is.....more negative GAINZ for your enjoyment.  Be sure to incorporate negatives in your next workout!

    Yours in GAINZ,


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