Monday, November 23, 2009

A Woman's Take on GAINZ

I first heard about GAINZ a few years ago at school when some guys said the word “GAINZ” every time they spoke, literally. I didn’t know what it meant, but I eventually assumed that it was some sort of meathead club exclusive to bench monkeys and guys with over-inflated egos. I wasn’t impressed with these guys’ “GAINZ.” Why would any woman be interested in a testosterone-infused size contest? What does GAINZ even mean and why are these guys so obsessed with going to the gym and watching what they eat?   I found it extremely annoying and superficial.

Of course, I'm not immune to wanting to look good and feel great.  Health is important, fitness is important, but GAINZ? I'm trying to lose a couple pounds not pack it on!

Being the independent and sometimes sassy female that I am, I challenged these "GAINZ-makers" to admit that their little club was only about heavy-lifting and ego-tripping fodder. Boy was I wrong. Not only did they make a logical argument for their GAINZ mantra, they convinced me of the sincerity of their philosophy by teaching me that GAINZ was not just about packing on muscle in the gym. Rather, GAINZ is a metaphor for striving to live the best life you can - starting with focusing on your health.

And it makes sense! If you aren't coming with your best (aka making GAINZ), you are acting against your best interests (aka ANTI-GAINZ). There really is no in-between. Staying stagnant is not an option. Life continues with or without you, and if you don't act, Life will pass you by. By labeling your actions as GAINZ or ANTI-GAINZ you can decide whether what you are doing will bring you closer to your best, or take you even further away from where you really want to be. It's genius!

Needless to say, I became a convert. Of course, I'm not letting the guys off the hook completely...they may have their moments of brilliance, but I will never fully understand their occasional pissing contests. But I suppose I have to let that go, after all they are men! Still, women can appreciate GAINZ just as much as the male gender. I am all for treating myself well and staying healthy so that I can enjoy life to its fullest.

Ladies, its time to take control of our destiny. It's time to make GAINZ!

Happy Thanksgiving week!

-Nellie GAINZ


  1. i knew we'd convert Nellie was just a matter of time...nobody's immune to the GAINZ!

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  4. nellie gainz' chicken and dumplings was gainz

  5. hey now, that was Wesay's chicken and dumplings!

  6. i'd like to try some of that Wesay's chic & dumplin's!

  7. sure, for Christmas...oh wait, you wont be here for Christmas!! Looks like you'll have to wait for next Thanksgiving!
