Monday, February 4, 2008

cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Monday, Feb. 4, 2008

I did my set of 75 squats Saturday and let me just say, I'm friggin sore. I did the set at 115 ell-bees. Truth be told, it took more than 1 set to do 75 was a combination of over-estimating my GAINZ and not having done squats with any regularity because of a back injury and conflicting basketball schedule. However, I gritted out 40 good, deeps reps on the first set, then another 25 on the 2nd, then 10 to finish it up. It felt really good, and I enjoyed the change of pace for my training-style. So boys and girls your H-dub for tonight is to bust out 75 reps of squats in as little sets as possible. Extra-credit and two gold starts for those who post follow-up comments on the site under this blog entry. CLASS DISMISSED!!


  1. i want my 2 gold starts but i dont think i will ever be able to do this. you are a god, and i bow down to your superior gainz

  2. I'll take 2 gold stars instead of 2 gold starts, if that's okay with everyone. :P

  3. really, the backseat driver-style hating is weak.....cut the GAINZ-MAKER some slack, the desk job is krypotnite to all facets of life
