Monday, January 14, 2008


Well folks, I kept my word. I made some sick GAINZ during my weekend foray into the arctic-like wilderness. Keep in mind I didn't use any weights....just my resistance bands, my imagination, and my sheer determination. Here's the transcript:

- Stretch legs good and deep for impending explosive leg workout. Warm up by jumping rope.

- Begin explosive leg workout by performing ten reps of side jumps (jumping as high as you can to your left, then back to your right, repeat). The goal here, as for the rest of the explosive stuff, is power, speed, height, and force. Literally jump as high, fast, and powerfully as you can. Nothing else matters. Weight(s) do not matter. In essence, you're training your mind as much as you're training your legs because you want your movements EXPLOSIVE. That means your muscles must move as fast as possible, the signal of which comes from your cranial gooo.

- Continue explosive leg Perry'alysis with 10 reps of regular two-footed high jumps. Start with your legs bent in a squat position and explode up as fast and high as possible. Land softly and repeat. In total, I performed three sets of the side jumps that are explained above, with two sets the regular two-footed jumps mixed in between. This may not sound like a lot, but it really is because its EXPLOSIVE. Reps and sets don't matter much in explosive training because once you get even a little tired, you lose explosion and the exercise becomes moot, even worthless.

- Get ill with 180-reverse-jumps. 3 sets per side, 4 reps. Basically what you do here is jump as high as you can while performing a 180 degree turn (reverse). I did these by jumping over a trash was sick. I'm glad my friends were out snowboarding because I would have scared them with my intensity. I remember saying this a lot: "HIGH....FAST.......IF YOU AIN'T DOING THAT, YOU AIN'T MAKING GAINZ!!" I also do these jumps with a forward (clever) twist, but I happened to be on reverses for this session.

- End explosive legs with alternating lunge jumps. Here, I assume a lunge position, explode up, switch leg positions in mid-air, land, then repeat for 12 total reps. Did 3 sets. Got ill. Don't hate the GAINZ-MAKER, hate the game.

- Proceed to shred core. Did 20 regular crunches, followed by 20 obliques crunches per side. Followed that up with 15 full leg-lifts. Followed that up with 10 push up-crawls......basically start a push up by descending, as you bring your right knee to your right elbow, push up, repeat with left knee to left elbow. Then I performed a bridge for 40 seconds (usually I do this on the swiss ball, but I digress). Oh yeah, then I did the core routine again (that's 2 sets per, Pythagorus).

- Now here's where the real fun begins...pull out the resistance bands and get straight ILL! For chest I did presses and flyes.

For delts I did lateral and front raise supersets, as well as rear-flyes. For arms I did biceps curls and triceps extensions. I continued with core too with oblique twists. (Stayed away from legs since I already did the explosive stuff). By the way, I jumped rope for 30 seconds between all sets to keep my heart-rate up. Thanks, Terrell.

The whole workout took about an hour. I think I might have done some other stuff like one-legged hops, but I'm not sure when.....the training got too intense to think clearly. But as this post intended to prove, GAINZ can be made anywhere, anytime. Heck, I could have called it a day after the explosive legs and core workout. But, I really like the resistance bands and will include them in my training from now on. Mama GAINZ even likes the bands...she almost cried when I told her I was taking them on my trip (yes, Wesay GAINZ lives at home, but that is another story for another day). Final point: train hard, eat right, make GAINZ (anywhere, anytime), get resistance bands!!

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