Thursday, February 14, 2008

cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Valentine's Day E-dish

Before making those V-day GAINZ with your sweetie-pie, make some real GAINZ would ya? In between sets on your first chest exercise, incorporate some push-ups. For example, last time I did pecs I started out with DB chest press. In between the sets I did 10 reps of explosive push-ups (clapping hands together at the top) to KEEP THE PUMP. It was hard to even get 10 reps towards the end. Try it on for size!


  1. I also recommend dong push ups using a small medicine ball where one hand is on the ball and the other is on the floor. You push up w/ gainz making explosivness and switch hands from ball to floor. Just my 2 cents...

  2. Now that my friends is an awesome comment...I love the recommendation. Everyone else, contribute to the GAINZiology that's happening right here @!!!!!

  3. I thank you wise GM for your approval of my suggested push-up. I would leave my name but for some odd reason my username and password has not been working for a few weeks now and I've been to lazy to fix it. I will remain anonymous.

  4. just curious - when you do these clapping pushups at the gym, how many people stop, stare, and mouth the word 'bitchfaggot' in your general direction?

  5. When I do the clapping in the air as I do pushups, I get called 'faggotbitch' by a minimum of 3 people per clap.

  6. BTW, what is a 'dong' pushup...or should I even ask? Is this some type of Valentines love making sheeit?

  7. there's too much hate in these comments...go elsewhere if you want to hate. cafeGAINZ is about GAINZ. BTW, you don't have to clap to make a sound...its quite possible to be inconspicuous. good day.

  8. Not sure if there is a lexicon for this yet but you should add one for someone who won't do "embarrassing" work outs at the gym in fear of other people's judgement no matter how much gainz comes from the exercise.

  9. hahaha i like that.....although the definition in the lexicon doesn't yet detail this, a Fugazi would definitely not attempt any "embarrassing" exercise because he only knows BB bench and because he lacks self-confidence (girls might be watching). GAINZ IS GAINZ, its that simple. So I think Fugazi works for now....I'll update the lexicon after a brief trial period.
