Wednesday, January 30, 2008

cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008

Sorry, I know this is way late......sometimes Haters just get in the way. Haters are weak....they can't stop cafeGAINZ from droppin scripture: You know by now that you gotta mix it up to continue making GAINZ, but did you know that "mix it up" also pertains to the use of spotters. If you use a spotter all the time, that means you are only training one way. You're body is used to that method of training so you're GAINZ will be limited. Also, such "heavy" training can often leave your muscles in a catabolic state (e.g. perpetually broke). On the other hand, if you never use a spotter your strength GAINZ are probably a little feeble.

If you usually go to the gym alone and don't use a spotter, just ask someone nearby for a quick spot. Most people are happy to assist in the GAINZ-making process. If they don't want to spot, they're...HATERS! (and they have no GAINZ)

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