Wednesday, January 23, 2008

cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008

Here's a good core exercise: Stand with your legs a little further than shoulder width apart and knees bent in a squat position. Bend at the hips so that your back is straight, but your upper body is leaning forward. Hold a DB or plate in your hands between your legs while keeping your arms straight.

Once you've achieved this position, begin to move upward with the weight while keeping your arms straight (almost like doing a front raise for delts). Do not begin the move by straightening your legs; instead sweep your torso up by using your abs, glutes, hammys, and back muscles. Your legs should straighten some, but they should not fully lock out. Once the weight is out in front of you (remember your arms should be straight out, thus perpendicular to your torso), slowly lower back down to the start position. Keep your abs and core muscle tight at all times! Do 2-3 sets of 1-15 reps. You will feel the BURRRRNNNNNN!!!


  1. can you provide a video with a bag over your head again so i can see how this is done

  2. Ok, I will try...I'll post it when its ready. Be on the lookout.
