Thursday, January 17, 2008

cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Thursday, Jan. 17, 2008

Since we missed yesterday gonna come thru with two tips...sorta. Here goes numero uno: Tuesday's Tip talked about doing "DB snatch and press" for deltoids and overall sick GAINZ, however, I made an error. Instead of a snatch and press it should have been a "clean and press." Here is a video demonstration of a BB clean. So to do my exercise properly, substitute the BB for a DB and perform a shoulder press immediately after doing the clean. That equals one rep. Keep in mind these are done with one arm....once you are done with the set, switch to the other arm. BTW, here is a demo of THE SNATCH, which can also be perry'lyzed with a DB mod.

Here goes numero dos: I'm sick of seeing poor form on lunges. Bad form on lunges leads to Zero GAINZ Made (ZGM) and knee injuries. A properly performed lunge requires the front knee to remain right over the top of the front ankle throughout the movement. Do NOT let the front knee travel forward over the toes. Strict form will allow proper quad, ham, and glute activatation while sparing both knees. Make those M'Fin GAINZ!!!!

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