Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Friday and Saturday nights are usually reserved for blowing off steam after a long workweek. You can find most of your average 20-somethings at various bars and clubs around the city doing just that: blowing off steam. Bars and clubs are great places to chop it up with friends, flirt, and get a few drinks. GAINZ Maker and J. GAINZ love these types of places on occasion, who wouldn’t?

But in all honesty, the best time to put in some good work at the gym is on Friday and Saturday nights. The atmosphere is amazing. You don’t have to wait to get on a machine or use dumbbells. You basically have free reign over all that the gym has to offer. (TIP: Friday and Saturday nights are great times to do circuit training. You can set up all of the different equipment you plan on including in your circuit and go through them without worrying about someone interfering.) One of the best things about Friday and Saturday nights is that there isn’t a fugazi in sight. They are all out failing miserably trying to pick up women. With the lack of a fugazi-presence, the gym has a real blue-collar feel to it. This is why at least 3-4 Friday or Saturday nights a month you can find Johnny GAINZ at the gym, putting in work. (I would love to go there every Friday and Saturday night, but unfortunately there are times that I got to make GAINZ with the ladies.)

This past Friday was one of those Fridays. I ignored all the calls and requests for J. GAINZ to make a public appearance and sip mixed drinks. I got my work boots and my work gloves together and headed out. I arrived at the gym at about 9:30 pm. The lights were bright and gym was wide open.

This is what J. GAINZ calls Prime Time, and Prime Time is when J. GAINZ does some of his best work. I could tell some of the ferrum (i.e. iron) hadn’t been touched for at least a few hours. It was longing for someone to grab it and make some GAINZ. And that’s just what I did. I did a J. GAINZ-certified Delta Force and totally Perry’lyzed all of my shoulder muscles. I added some cardio on the treadmill, then contemplated doing a few more exercises. But I decided against it because I didn’t want to over train my muscles: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your body can’t be either. You must be patient in achieving your goals. Sometimes it takes up to 2-3 weeks before serious results become apparent to the naked eye. But don’t let this deter you. GAINZ are well worth the wait.

After taking my post workout STACKZ of whey protein and L-Carnitine, J. GAINZ headed home. J. GAINZ was up pretty late after the Friday Night Lights workout doing some things around La Casa de GAINZ when my cousin came home telling me about his great night out of drinking and socializing with women. Although his stories were entertaining, on this Friday night there was no place Johnny GAINZ would have rather been than in the gym going to war.

- Johnny GAINZ


  1. Your post rings true, Johnny. Friday Night Lights workouts are so so sick!

  2. J Gainz sounds like a freak...
