Friday, December 7, 2007

cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Friday, Dec. 7, 2007

Eat more breakfast! And I don't mean sugar smacks...I mean wheat toast, eggs, and fruit. If you eat a hearty meal of what I'm talking about, you wont be binging on double bacon chis, chicken crispers, or pizza by 11:30am. You're mom was right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Get after it and have a great weekend!


  1. I am looking to build a strong back. Can you please suggest a routine or some awesome excercises for me. I know pull ups are awesome and I already do those...

  2. what do you do if you destroyed your shoulder playing football in colledghche and cannot easily do pullups? do i have to use the cheesy assisted-pullups machine?

  3. qballtbeb: As the cafeGAINZ Tip of the Day - Thursday, Dec. 6, 20007 exclaims, "Do more pull-ups!" I understand you already do pull-ups but I would suggest modifying the's some examples: 1) try doing 5, resting, then do 6, rest, then do 7, etc. up to 10 or 12, then pyramid back down; 2) try starting out with pull-ups, then also doing a few sets on the weight assisted machine at the END of your back workout; 3) try doing them on a purely horizontal bar for a while, then mixing in the bar with the tilted handles (wide grip). That's just 3 examples, the possibiliies are endles.

    As for other moves, you have to do deadlifts, bent-over BB row (over and underhand grips), pulldowns (single arm & with Double Stirrup handle), and you should finish off with single arm pullovers or rows on the free motion machine to flesh out the pump.

    redwopdago: short answer - yes. longer answer - you should first ask your doctor if you are fit enough for sexual activi...err, pull-ups. He/she should be able to determine if your shoulder has healed properly enough to take on this sort of load. If you're allowed to do them, by all means use the weight-assisted machine. During the course of human existence, only a few inventions have exponentially increased GAINZ-making capabilities like the weight-assisted machine has. Nobody is too good or too worthless for it. It's like water; use it to live.
