Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Workout Resolution

Ok, let's just get this out of the way now: New Year's Workout Resolutions (NYWRs). We hate them. They're cheesy, they're lame, and nobody ever sticks to them. The only real effect of NYWRs is converting the gym floor into a parking lot a la L.A rush-hour traffic for the first few weeks of January.

They waste the time of all parties involved. The NYWR-person's time is wasted because any made GAINZ disappear just as fast as they arrived, so said person might as well have saved time by hitting up the Dairy Queen extra early. The GAINZ-maker's time is wasted because s/he can't move freely around the gym due to the extra congestion. And Dairy Queen's time is wasted because they aren't making any money in January, forcing them to contemplate shutting down a few franchises......only they remember that the trend is temporary because NYWR-guy is walking through that door in t-minus-2-weeks.

I can see the appeal of the NYWR though. "Let's try this again....derp." But let me take you through the life-cycle of the NYWR: It's a new year --- start from a clean slate --- gonna get in shape, gonna make those GAINZ --- proceed to make GAINZ --- then.........NOSEDIVE!!!! Perhaps you'd like to see it in list form.

Week 1: made GAINZ 6 out of 7 days

Week 2: made GAINZ 6 out of 7 days

Week 3: made GAINZ 4 out of 7 days

Week 4: been busy at work (or some other lame excuse)

Week 5: trollin' for Cheetos (and zero made GAINZ of course)

Ok, now I'm going to pull a complete 180 on you.  The real problem doesn't lie in the NYWR itself. It lies in the mentality of the particular person who lacks the will power, effort, and, most importantly, planning and organization necessary to facilitate a life-long commitment to the GAINZ lifestyle. In fact, the New Year is a great time to start forging that commitment. But diving in head first is folly.

It's better to start out slow than to just jump in because burn-out will occur.  Anyone that decides to enter the world of GAINZ needs to have a plan.  Thus, an organized, coherent, thoughtful plan of attack is mandatory for any NYWR success.  Without one, failure is inevitable.  So if you're ready to make the leap and really make 2010 the start of your GAINZ journey, you're plan should include at bare minimum monthly fitness goal benchmarks for the entire calendar year.  Bi-monthly would be even better.  Then tailor your workouts to meet those goals. 

And make your goals realistic and attainable....START OFF SLOW!  Not meeting goals leads to frustration and disappointment, whichs leads to abandonment of the NYWR.  Setting attainable, legitimate goals will help one stay on track and build momentum.  Eventually, you're workouts will become intense (and you'll enjoy them) and results will come.  As Johnny likes to say, "Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were my legs."  Real GAINZ take time and effort, but it's worth it; that way they will endure even through minor ANTI-GAINZ setbacks.  In other words, losing too much weight, or gaining too much muscle, too soon is fool-hardy because those GAINZ will disappear the moment one hits a bump in the road.  And there will be bumps in the road; its called life.

So if you're really serious about stepping up your GAINZ, take the time to plan it out, just as you would anything else that's important in your life (e.g. career, vacations, etc.).  Seriously, set aside some time to sit down with a calendar or day planner and make a GAINZplan.  Keep notes of your progress on your calendar or day planner so you have a convenient place to look at your new GAINZ in relation to your goals.  And with that, I wish you all a Happy New Year and good luck with your NYWR!

May the GAINZ be with You,

-Wesay GAINZ

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