Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Very Perry Christmas

Hey Everybody,

Just wanted to add some final notes to the Perry Diaries that graced cafeGAINZ a couple weeks ago.  A friend of mine told me about the website http://arrivealive.proboards.com.  It's awesome as it's 100% completely devoted to the Legend of Perry.  There, you will find hidden Perry treasures from all corners of the world wide web.  You will also be able to jive it up with fellow Perry worshippers.  Feel free to join the club, they will welcome you with "open arms," as they did with me. They're a real fun bunch!

Also, as you can see on the left-hand side of the page and in this very post, I've provided a link to The OFFICIAL cafeGAINZ - "I'm Perry'lyzed" Playlist.  Do yourself a big favor and make some GAINZ to it today!  You will push past whatever meddling plateau you're currently stuck at.  This stuff is good.

And finally, some recent discussion on the Arrive Alive board has centered around the idea of  "what if Perry released a Christmas album?"  Well, that pretty much put everyone into a frenzy.  Seriously, could you even imagine Steve belting out "Jingle Bells" or "O Holy Night"?  My face would melt.  Well, one of the most devoted users of the site came upon this nugget.  It's just too bad it isn't true.....but it's still worth the click to check it out.  We can dream can't we?

So, I leave you with this, a ludicrous albeit entertaining spoof on what could have been...(and I promise to lay off some of the Perry-mania for a while):

-Wesay GAINZ

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