Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving and Celebrations of Unity

Happy Thanksgiving from cafeGAINZ to you and yours! We hope you enjoyed your turkey and gave some thanks.

As for GAINZmaking, everybody knows its difficult to build upon, or even maintain, GAINZ during the holiday season. All those unhealthy but tantalizing foods really take their toll. The ensuing food coma doesn't help at all either. And besides the foods, time for most people is usually at a premium so hitting the gym may become less of a priority. The best advice we can offer for limiting "ANTI-GAINZ Season" is to 1) dedicate time, no matter how little, for making some legit GAINZ and 2) doing your best to "catch up" after the madness is over (...its not really madness but you know what I mean...).

Step 1 is pretty obvious, and I'm sure sounds a tad douche-baggy. But c'mon, you know you have to put in work, so I have to say it. Step 2, however, is a bit more subtle because it requires more than a pitiful attempt at a New Year's resolution of the GAINZish variety. Catching up requires going into overdrive until you reach your pre-ANTI-GAINZ Season fitness level. This is harder than it sounds; not being able to run as far or fast, or lift as much or as explosively, as before is very discouraging. But the cool (kewl: for the youngsters) thing about GAINZ is that you get what you put in to it (yes, a stupid cliche, but true). Its like a 1:1 ratio....put in x amount of legit time and effort making GAINZ, get out x¹ legit GAINZ. Simple, fair formula. So the key is not to get discouraged when trying to get back into shape because the results will come (sooner than you think) as long as you follow the steps. And by gosh, feel free to conjure up some will power to at least mitigate the damage from A-Gz Season.

Last but certainly not least, a special shoutout to some pals that got married over the T-day weekend. Two of GAINZ MAKER's dopest homies tied the knot to some pretty GAINfull women, and celebratory festivities ensued. They're legit!!! Have fun making some serious life-GAINZ together!

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